Nagoya Ryugakusei Net
Emergency Short-Term Scholarships 緊急短期奨学金

Emergency Short-Term Scholarships 緊急短期奨学金

Purpose 目的

Sometimes graduate students and young researchers from abroad encounter unexpected difficulties that make it difficult for them to continue their research or studies. We provide or lend “Emergency Short-Term Scholarships” in such cases. (The maximum amount of the scholarship is JPY100,000.)


Eligibility 応募資格

 (1) The applicant must be a graduate student or young researcher from abroad. The applicant must be enrolled in a graduate school in the Nagoya area under the visa status of “Student”. (Until 2026, college students from abroad with “Student” visa may apply.)
 (2) The applicant must be unable to continue his/her education or research due to illness, accident, or unexpected sudden change in economic circumstances.
 (3) The applicant must be of outstanding academic achievement and character, and must be recommended by his/her academic advisor, a person in charge of international students, or a person related to the Nagoya Ryugakusei Net, NPO.


 2)病気、事故、予期せぬ経済状況の急変などにより、教育研究の継続が困難な状況にあること。  3)学業、人物などが優れ、指導教員、留学生担当者、またはNagoya Ryugakusei Net, NPO関係者の推薦があること。

Application Documents 申請書類

 (1) The application form, (2) Copy of student ID card (both sides), and (3) Copy of resident card (both sides)

 (1) 所定の申請書、(2) 学生証(両面)のコピー、(3)在留カード(両面)のコピー

Application Review

The NPO’s “Emergency Short-Term Scholarship Review Committee” will review the application and make decisions.
